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Pope: ‘to walk the third stage . . . prophecy

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Pope Francis’ message to the First Synodal Assembly of the churches in Italy
[St. Paul Outside the Walls, November 15-17, 2024]

“I encourage you to walk the third stage, which is dedicated to prophecy”

Dear brothers and sisters!

You are gathered in Rome, in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls, for the 1st Synodal Assembly of the Churches in Italy. 
It is the first meeting that marks the culmination of the synodal journey, of what you have called the “prophetic phase“.

During these days you have been able to discuss the Guidelines, which already offer an overview of the issues that have emerged over the last three years. 
Therefore, I would like to remind you too that the journey together’ with everyone, is a process in which the Church, in docility to the action of the Holy Spirit and in sensitivity to the reading of the signs of the times, continually renews herself and perfects her sacramentality. 
In this way, she strives to be a credible witness to the mission to which she has been called, to gather all the peoples of the earth into one, when God himself will finally give us a place at the banquet he has prepared.

When we met in May last year, I gave you three directions: 
to continue walking
to be Church together and 
to be an open Church
These indications are not limited to one of the three phases – narrative, sapiential, prophetic – of your journey, but concern the life of the Church in Italy in the present context. 
And this is confirmed by the discernment carried out in this last stretch of the journey. 
In fact, the syntheses gathered by the local Churches testify to a vitality expressed in the journey, in the care of the whole and in the style of openness. 
They are stories in which the Holy Spirit has acted, pointing out the priority dimensions of setting in motion certain processes, of making courageous choices, of returning to the proclamation of the Gospel, of being missionary disciples.

Don’t be afraid to set your sails to the wind of the Spirit!
Let us not forget that, on 25 January 1959 in the very Basilica where you are standing, Saint John XXIII announced the Second Vatican Council. 
And later he explained: “This is what is required of the Church today: to infuse the perennial, life-giving, divine energy of the Gospel into the veins of today’s human community”.

Today too, like then, we are sent to bring the good news with joy! 
With this knowledge, I encourage you to walk the third stage, which is dedicated to prophecy. 
The prophets live in time, and read it with the eyes of faith, enlightened by the Word of God. 
It is therefore a question of translating what has been gathered over these years into evangelical choices and decisions.  And this is done in docility to the Spirit. “  
He is the agent of the synodal process! … 
It is He who opens up individuals and communities to listening; 
it is He who makes dialogue authentic and fruitful; 
it is He who enlightens discernment; 
it is He who guides choices and decisions.
 And, above all, it is he who creates harmony, communion in the Church.

I urge you, pastors, to continue to accompany this journey with paternity and love, taking responsibility with God’s help for what will be decided. 
Bearing in mind the history of the ecclesial conferences that marked the path of the Church in Italy in the decades following the Second Vatican Council, you will be able to guide the communities along the path of communion, participation and mission.

The synodal way also develops energies so that the Church can best fulfil her commitment to the country. 
Jesus looked at the crowds and understood their suffering and their expectations, their need for bread for the body and bread for the soul. 

We are called, therefore, to look at the society in which we live with a gaze of compassion, in order to prepare for the future, overcoming attitudes that are not evangelical, such as hopelessness, victimization, fear, narrow-mindedness. 

The horizon is opening up before us: continue to sow the seed of the Word on the land so that it may bear fruit.

May the Lord bless you and may Our Lady protect you!

Rome, St John Lateran, 11 November 2024

Commemoration of Saint Martin, Bishop of Tours

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